Haiti: Living water Christian Mission

Living Water Christian Mission exists to transform Haitians and Haiti with Jesus Christ by applying the Great Commission. Salonique Adolphe is the director spearheading Living Water’s various churches and ministries in Gonaïves, Haiti and is a good friend of Connection.


Connection has formed a strong bond of friendship with the people of the rural Highland village outside Gonaïves through several work groups who have served the people there. We couldn’t be more thrilled to have seen the end results of years of patient work by LWCM. We watched an entire village leave behind voodoo, accept Jesus, and be baptized into Him. We have been able to assist in building a bridge to the village, and then a school and a church.

Find out more and sponsor a student here!

turkey: Open Door CHurch

The Leonards launched the Open Door Church in 2019. This new church on the southwest side of Ankara is called Acik Kapi Kilise, which in Turkish means The church with open doors. The expression open doors is a good description for the heart the Leonards have for the Turkish people: they have a warm, welcoming attitude towards people who would like to know more about Jesus. As they say:

Our attitude has a greater impact on our friends than the answers we give. Good answers are valuable, but letting people know that you care about them is even bigger many times. If someone wants to argue about religion our goal isn't to convince them, it's to love them.

Keep up with the Leonards here!


Josh & Abigail meadows

Josh & Abigail are in the beginning stages of the work in Japan. Goal: to share the Good News gospel of Jesus with the unreached people of Japan.

We thank God for the chance to partner with Connection Christian Church in his mission to reach the nations.

Keep up with the Meadows here!